
Money-Saving Tips for Hotels

Money-Saving Tips for Hotels

There are several operational costs to consider and manage correctly to ensure the success of your business. The hotel industry is competitive, so it requires careful consideration to minimize expenses without compromising the guest experience. In this article, we’ll look at the expenses of running a hotel and how to reduce costs in the hotel…

Bath Sheets vs. Bath Towels

Bath Sheets vs. Bath Towels

Picking the right option for your bathroom can provide you with a better post-bathing experience. The best choice for your business or home will be sufficiently drying, won’t drive up energy and water use and will fit your needs. If you’re looking for new towels for your space, you’ll need to choose between bath sheets…

How to Install a Towel Rack

How to Install a Towel Rack

While it’s true that any old bar fastened to the wall can serve as a towel rack, a properly installed towel rack will add a touch of elegance and functionality to your bathroom walls. Moreover, you can correctly install a towel rack in just a few simple steps with basic materials you can easily find…

How Many Towels Do I Need?

How Many Towels Do I Need?

Towels are as much a necessity for the average person as washing. Without towels, we’d get our homes and personal belongings wet every time we engage in any kind of self-washing. However, even though we use these items every day, there are only so many towels you need. We encourage you to read through this…

How to Tie-Dye Beach Towels

How to Tie-Dye Beach Towels

Nothing quite signals the start of the summer like fresh beach towels coming out of storage. Whether you’re heading to the beach or your neighborhood pool, having an eye-catching and fashionable beach towel can help you start your summer off on the right foot. A unique way to add an artistic effect to your beach towels…

Make Your Own Towel Rack

Make Your Own Towel Rack

You’ve just finished drying off after a long shower. Where do you put your wet towel? Throwing it on the floor creates clutter, dirties your towel, and doesn’t allow it to dry properly. However, you can’t fold your towel back up right away either if you want it to dry quickly. This situation is where…

Best Towel Warmers

Best Towel Warmers

There are few instances in life that are cozier than the feeling of wrapping yourself in a warm towel. Whether you’re in a hotel spa or your home bathroom, a towel warmer can make the process of drying off much more luxurious and enjoyable. With various design styles and features, finding the perfect warmer is easier…

How to Clean Your Air Vents

How to Clean Your Air Vents

Most homes come with their own built-in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, or HVAC systems, which are designed to filter air through your home for cooling and heating purposes. Over time, the air vents that run through your home can easily become cluttered with debris and dust, making the system less effective. Every year, the…

How To Remove Gel Nail Polish

How To Remove Gel Nail Polish

As salons reopen for customers, many people are scheduling manicures or pedicures to pamper themselves. For the stylish, practical person, gel nail polish has become popular because of how long it lasts on the nails. Professionals have even estimated that the gel nail polish industry will increase in years to come. However, it comes at…

How to Clean a Mirror

How to Clean a Mirror

Even if the rest of your bathroom is clean and spotless, a dirty mirror can make the entire room seem messier. Toothpaste splatter, fingerprint smudges, water droplets and more all build up and contribute to a dirty mirror. But even when you know you have to clean your mirror, it can sometimes be confusing trying…